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Entreprenurial Ventures



Vision Publishing, LLC

Vision Publishing, established in 2017, is a company focusing on spiritual, inspirational and meditative publishing. Our scope is to provide both printed and electronic mediums. We target faith influencers, past and present, as a way to assure that the voices that inform communities have the opportunity to reach broader audiences and engage new readers and listeners. As a family-owned and run company, Vision Publishing gets to know the authors they publish and support them as a member of the Vision family. 

"I Think I Said Something..." The Life, Legacy & Ministry of Rev. Dr. Fredeick G. Sampson, II book cover image

"I Think I Said Something..."

The Life, Legacy and Ministry of Rev. Dr. Frederick G. Sampson, II

Foreword by Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

Written and Edited by Freda G. Sampson

Vision Publishing, LLC, Detroit, 2018


Click here to purchase at Amazon


"I Think I Said Something..." is the witness, words, and works of the life, legacy, and ministry of Rev. Dr. Frederick G. Sampson, II. It is a collection of glimpses, inclusive of his history, his writing, and expression of reflections by his family, peers, and his sons and daughters in the ministry. These elements are woven together with images that texturize the story by telling their own story - images of his life on the campus of Bishop College or of him baptizing in the River Jordan in Jerusalem, and photos of him as a young preacher and his journey to a senior pastor and statesman. 

Cover - Parent Resource Guide Vol 1 - 15

"University of Detroit Jesuit High School and Academy Office of Diversity and Inclusion Parent Resource Guide Vol. 1: Race, Diversity & Inclusion"

Edited by Freda G. Sampson

Vision Publishing, LLC, Detroit, 2020

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The Black Series

The Black Series is a brand of lifestyle and language. Our line speaks to our values with simplicity, style and a signature that is reserved for those who live & wear their truth.


Pause Detroit, LLC

Pause is a intimate historical café that provide rental space for meetings , events and facility hosted community gatherings.  It is also a weekend café serving a range of food and beverages nestled in the heart of the New Center/Mid-town district.


For facility rental information, contact:



Community Engagement

Frederick G. Sampson Foundation

To engage in theological development and scholarship, and to perpetuate the life, legacy, and ministry of Rev. Dr. Frederick G. Sampson, II, through community outreach and social gospel.


The Man, The Mission, The Ministry


THE MAN:  The Rev. Dr. Frederick G. Sampson, II was recognized as a world-class preacher, teacher, and lecturer who would stop while en route to speak to the many in order to tell a single soul on the street about the love of Jesus.

THE MISSION:  To engage in theological development and scholarship, and to perpetuate the life, legacy, and ministry of Rev. Dr. Frederick G. Sampson, II, through community outreach and social gospel.

THE MESSAGE:  Theological education and community service were an integral part of Dr. Sampson’s life. The Foundation is a vehicle to support the study of ministry and to engage in the social gospel by actively participating in the advancement of communities locally and globally.


Fishes & Loaves

Fishes & Loaves is a ministry that has had several names over the last 30 years.  Since its inception this ministry has touched thousands of people over the holidays through our meal and gift giveaway.  On Thanksgiving and Christmas, we hit the streets, knocked on doors of the sick, shut in and the elderly to bring and share a little love during seasons that sometimes exacerbate loneliness, depression and lost.


We bring organizations, non-profits and individual volunteers together to share their time and resources to impact others. 


Fishes & Loaves in light of Matthew 14:13-21

14 When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick.

15 As evening approached, the disciples came to him and said, “This is a remote place, and it’s already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food.”

16 Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.”

17 “We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish,” they answered.

18 “Bring them here to me,” he said.

19 And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. 

20 They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. 

21 The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children.


New International Version (NIV)

Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide


Ecumenical Theological Seminary

Ecumenical Theological Seminary provides a multi-confessional Christian theological education within an urban context, while initiating interfaith engagement. Our approach creates spiritual leadership through personal transformation, social responsibility, critical reflection and academic rigor. ETS graduates are prepared to lead communities of faith while sharing God’s compassion in relationship to various ecumenical, interfaith, political, social, economic, and cultural contexts.

Detroit MOTTEP Foundation

The Detroit MOTTEP Foundation is committed to decreasing the number and rate of people in need of organ and tissue transplants through prevention education and to increase the number of organ and tissue donors in the Greater Detroit multicultural community.


Fair Housing Center of Metropolitan Detroit

Since 1977 the Fair Housing Center of Metropolitan Detroit (FHCMD), a private, non-profit, citizen-based organization - with IRS 501 (c)(3) tax exempt status - has worked to help assure equal housing opportunities throughout the metropolitan Detroit area.  As you will discover when you browse this website, FHCMD has had significant success, especially in relation to improving the enforcement of fair housing laws, with subsequent improvements in the fair housing behavior of housing providers in the metropolitan Detroit area. The recovery from defendants of over $11,000,000 for the plaintiffs in 394 closed litigations has made a positive difference for fair housing. Our goal is to assure that homeseekers are able to exercise their equal rights to the housing of their choice, without encountering unlawful housing discrimination.


Board of Ethics, City of Detroit

Immediate Past Board Member

The Board of Ethics is an independent Charter created entity established by the 1997 City Charter.  The Ethics Ordinance was enacted by the City Council in 2000 and established disclosure requirements and standards of conduct applicable to all City of Detroit Public Servants.  The Board is charged with the responsibility for the implementation and administration of the Ordinance, which includes receiving a complaint alleging violations of the Ordinance and issuing Advisory Opinions. 

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