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“Diversity, equity and inclusion is not an option, it is an imperative for meaningful success in business and in life.”


Freda G. Sampson, MFA, CDP
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Strategist    Author Entrepreneur Influencer

Pronouns – She, Her, Hers

Who We Are

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) strategist, thought leaders, conference designers and conveners, facilitators, creatives, instructional designer, entrepreneurs, allies and activist

What We Do

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Cultural Competency

Organizational Development

Why it Matters

DEI matter because it is the right this to do, it is good for business and it drives talent and organization success


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COVID-19 Safety

Coronavirus continues to be a priority on everyone’s mind.  As countries, states, cities, and communities respond to the COVID-19 outbreak.  We have also shifted how we are currently delivering our engagement. 

Freda G. Sampson, LLC will continue to follow the recommendations of the Center of Disease Control (CDC) and governmental authorities to assure the safety & wellness of our team, our communities and you.

We encourage everyone to wear your mask, wash your hands and participate in socially distancing. This will not be forever; we support the practice of protection and well-being. 


We join with voices around the world in support of Black Lives Matter. 

We call for systemic change in the fight against racism.

We choose to use our voice to lift all BIPOC individuals and communities for equity and inclusion.

We believe that diversity, equity and inclusion is a critical imperative as a part of the journey for justice, but only through intentional action to eliminate racism and racial injustice.

We stand in remembrance of all those named and unnamed whose lives were taken through police violence, white supremacy and anti-Blackness.

We call on all humanity to take action, create change and end injustice forever.

"Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced."   

James Baldwin


Detroit occupies the contemporary and ancestral homelands of three Anishinaabe nations of the Council of Three Fires: the Ojibwe, Ottawa, and Potawatomi. Through the Treaty of Detroit, the Ojibwe, Ottawa, Potawatomi, and Wyandot tribes ceded the land now occupied by the city in 1807.

"I'm no longer accepting the things I cannot change...
I'm changing the things I cannot accept."

Angela Davis


Business  •  Non-Profits  •  Government  •  Academic Institutions  •  Health Systems  •  Faith-Based



Workshop Facilitator

Keynote Speaker

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Panelist



Strategic Planning

DEI Learning and Development

Strategic Board Engagement, Branding and Communication




With Freda’s guidance Metropolitan United Methodist Church (a Multi-Cultural Interracial Congregation), was able to have impactful and difficult conversations about Race in America. 

This Three-Part Series could have been overwhelming making it impossible for people to hear the pain of our black and brown brothers and sisters. But Freda’s calm and informative demeanor set the stage for safe and productive conversations. 

Freda helped us sift through implied biases as well as issues around ‘white fragility’. She utilized various resources to help facilitate productive engagement. The structure she provided helped to create a shift in our thinking, and it allowed us to move forward with a more informed mindset. 

I am grateful for Freda’s wisdom and leadership. I highly recommend her skills in creating a Plan to address Cultural Disparities, Race Relations and the Development of Equitable Policies and Procedures in a work place.

Senior Pastor, Metropolitan United Methodist Church

It has been my honor to have worked with Freda over the past15 years.  During this time, I have come to appreciate Freda’s rich range of talents and passion to assist people and organizations on their journey to know and care about the other as they work to end exclusion, hate and oppression.  Freda is a superb listener, designer, facilitator and teacher.  All the organizations she has served on behalf of the Roundtable have given outstanding reviews of her work. She blends joy, intelligence and deep caring as she holds audiences, inviting them to deeper learning and new skill acquisition. I welcome an opportunity to speak about my dear colleague with those interested. 


President and CEO, Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion

Freda Sampson is a leader in the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion landscape.  Her work with the Association for Multicultural Affairs in Transplantation has been an incredible testament to her commitment, passion and leadership in her practice.  As President of AMAT, I am in awe of the content she created and delivered to our membership to foster our grassroots outreach and education efforts in serving multicultural communities.  Her attention to detail in learning our industry and speaking to us, rather than paying lip service, has shown her true commitment and dedication to her craft.


President, Association of Multicultural Affairs in Transplantation (AMAT)

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